sorry for the spam, f-list.
kitsune714: so, okay
kitsune714: the whole younger man ruffian thing?
calledinvain: and she got him to go back to high school?
kitsune714: is hot for about three weeks.
kitsune714: and then you realize.
kitsune714: UNEMPLOYED.
kitsune714: SHIFTLESS.
kitsune714: MOOCH.
calledinvain: you see. this is why we can't be kdrama heroines.
calledinvain: other than from the niggling fact that we are not korean.
kitsune714: that too
calledinvain: But we're also clearly the wrong kind of Asian womanhood.
calledinvain: seeing how this trope is trotted out AGAIN AND AGAIN in dramas aimed at us.
kitsune714: clearly.
calledinvain: bullshit, lady
there's breathless escapist romance, and then there is just shitty writing.
or tragiporn, as
kitsune714 dubs it. The mix of overwrought melodrama meant to invoke some kind of emotional catharsis, mostly prevalent in kdrama and twdrama, that instead, when served up to a person such as I, invokes eye rolling and mocking. Sometimes I watch miseryporn just for the laughter it'll bring me, because nothing cheers me up more than a woman with a bad perm setting fire to her hated husband's house and then lying about it! It's the television equivalent to penny dreadfuls, I think. Because it's so addictive and so bad.