It's been brought to my attention that if one were to take a glance at my LJ cursorily, that one might assume I only watch terrible dramas. To that I say, and so?
There's so many different flavors of terrible, after all - there's so terrible it's kind of amazing and why I can't stop watching because I have to document it for the internets. There's terrible synopsis and then hey this show actually is much better than it sounds on paper in execution. There's Asano Taeko terrible. There's why does everyone watch this terrible and I'm not being contrary, no, seriously, IT'S TERRIBLE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN POSSESSED BY ALIENS WITH NO TASTE. There's the terrible cracky disappointment because crackiness did not sustain a credible level of enjoyable crackiness and has now meandered into tediousness terrible aka (WTF, KOISHITE AKUMA.)There's the why are my people's dramas so effing' bad because RAPE SHOULD NOT BE A STORYLINE, YES TAIWAN I'M LOOKING AT YOU terrible.
There's kdrama/country music terrible (I see you have cancer your dog got hit by a car you're sleeping with your half cousin who's your mom and hi I have gone blind because of this inconveniently placed jar of film developer), there's crazy madcap shenanigans terrible but emotionally fulfills you beyond the thinnest of plot because it makes you so, so, happy so it's not really terrible. There's cat vomit terrible. There's lower your expectations someone in JE is acting in it that hasn't really had a good record of acting or emoting or singing or dancing but they're in JE so fandom's panties are aflame terrible. And there is boring terrible.
I mean, terrible is subjective.
This however? Is not terrible.
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Epik High parody The Host
No, I will not give you the context to this screen cap.
I'm almost all the way caught up with Ninkyo Helper and then I'll finish Futatsu no Spica, both not terrible shows. NH is really the stand out of the summer season for me, it's got a deft touch with drama and social issues without it being overly cloying or easily wrapped up. Plus, I'm loving the different sides to actors I've seen before - Yusuke Yamamoto, man. ♥ and like I even need to go into how great Meisa is in this. This fits her better than Ichipon, I think.
It's the summer Bara no nai Hanaya, and I'm not saying that lightly, because BnH was amazing.