Today was pretty uneventful. I had choir at 11 then a physics lab lecture after that. The lab that goes with the lecture got cancelled, so i was done at like 1:45. I'm not used to having nothing to do in the evenings, usually there is band practice, SING practice, a courtside game, choir performance, some talk i need to go to for extra credit, or insert other activity going on on campus that my friends and i want to attend.
But one thing to note, is string cheese is not a good snack choice while typing up a blog post. Also i have giving up on capitalizing my i's. Writing this in Word makes it feel like icky homework, so i just write it in the little post box, there is no auto-correct in the post box universe, so its not happening.
Something interesting that happened today though was that when i walked out of my dorm, it was super bright and i had forgotten my sunglasses. I was already late so I decided i would just have to deal with squinting for my brisk stroll to the music building. Well my eyes were more irritated then normal by the sun, but i didn't think much of it.
I arrived at the music building and was late for choir. During the class my right eye was really irritated and watering and felt puffy. This I thought much of. I assumed it was my contacts, cause i didnt take them out all break cause im lazy/dumb/low maintenance. But i couldn't take out one contact, cause that would give me a headache. I need both of then to see the board. i was in quite a conundrum. When physics was over I trecked back to Knot, my dorm, which is on the opposite corner of campus from the BSB (baylor science building) where my class was. I took out my contacts and put on my glasses for the first time in like three years. I'm just glad I didn't leave them at my parent's house in Houston.
Since then, people naturally have been commenting on them. Which I don't mind, because only my good friends don't keep their negative comments to themselves. haha, but everyone seemed to really like them. I just think i look weird. I also have my hair in my experimental bang pull back today, which i also think makes me look weird.
I just think I'm used to one look and this is very different. Oh well, Jessi thinks I look adorable, so I don't mind a bit of a nose wrinkle when i see my reflection.
Well I finally unpacked all my stuff, but that led to me needing a place for everything. So I had to reorganize my shelves by my bed and clean off my desk. I'm just glad i could resist the urge to reorganize my closet. I don't have time for that today.
One random thought before i start on homework is that im listening to music...well obviously, but then i plugged in my head phones i could only head music in one ear. Now normal though process brings us to the conclusion that the head phones are messing up. And I thought of that, but then my mind went to its normal worse case senario mode and a sudden wave of fear came over me. What if i actually just couldnt hear out of my left ear? I probably wouldnt have noticed my decent hearing loss if I had just been chatting with Sobia. My mind is already racing about how i can test this theory. One way is to take out the headphones and cover my right ear, then talk. But that doesn't sound like it would tell me for sure, cause you know you can't totally block sound from your ear and you can hear yourself in your head. So my mind went to its normal; most logical, efficient way to fix said problem mode. I just switched the ear phones to the opposite ears. haha, and you can stop worrying, i can hear with both of my ears.
When i was rationalizeing not being able to hear anymore. My brain was like, well your eye was messing up today and i was congested all break and it was messing with my ears. They would pop when i blew my nose. When i was little my ear drum popped, so now i have a strange aversion/fear of popping my ears, i feel like my ear drum will pop again and i won't hear. This is because i know the basic way an ear works. The drum vibrates when sound enters the ear canal. It converts that info into electrical signals and sends it to the brain. So i really thought for like 2 seconds that it was logical i could be half deaf suddenly.
omg i spelled it deff the first time i typed it...and realized it was probably wrong but had no idea what the correct spelling was. praise the lord for spell check!
Later Days