Frustrated. Yep that's my new name. I feel like I have been killing myself for the past couple of weeks and yet the weight (and fat) isn't coming off as fast as I want it to. Yeah, yeah! I know - no more than 1-2 pounds a week. But some weeks I gain! If I don't go to the gym at least 6 days a week and do an hour or more of cardio and strength train 3 times a week, the weight starts to creep back on. No I am not on my period. Yes - it could be muscles building. But if I gain muscle, should I loose fat at the same time?
I had an evaluation with my trainer and I am not doing that much better that I was when I started with him. I don't know if I'm not doing enough or if I'm eating too much (no more than 1800 cal/day). Should I be exercising for 2 hours (of cardio) a day or should I just give up and accept that I will always live a "fat life?"
I had cut almost all alcohol out of my diet but the last few days I have been a bit depressed and I went back to my crutch. WOW! I've been drinking for 4 days straight.
sigh. ALRIGHT! enough whining. Going to bed. Getting up in the morn and starting the C25K, plus there's no work so I can go to cardio step. If I haven't collapsed after that, maybe I can go swimming as well.
I don't weigh in again until the 26th so I have about 8 days to get my @$$ in gear.