Mar 30, 2010 16:09
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
I envision a world in which children will not be brought up by televisions and enticed to behave with promises of the latest video games and gadgets. Where parents will see that spending time with their children is more important than making money, and not foist them off on babysitters.
I envision a world in which people will not push one another in their frenzied attempts to get into packed trains, because they see and process nothing more than the irrational desire to successfully squeeze into a carriage; waiting another 3 minutes for the next train is unthinkable and could possibly lead to an aneurysm.
I envision a world in which the pressing conversation of the day is not about the latest It bag or the insatiable need for more shoes, or about so-and-so's hideous dressing, or whether one should get Blackberry version 20000 or the Blackberry in white. Man, there's a conundrum. But rather, a world where people are more interested in cultivating a virtuous and good soul, rather than cultivating a worthless existence whose value exists only in the temporary glitter and novelty of expensive products.
I envision a world which has not been bulldozed, steamrollered and paved over to build skyscrapers and shopping malls full of useless things we never needed and still do not need. I envision a world where we run free, hearts unencumbered, imaginations unshackled by the burden of keeping up with appearances or making money we do not need, or fitting in with everyone else.
I envision a world that is not made up of millions of classes of society dependent on "them-and-us" classifications to create a false sense of superiority. I envision a world where we aren't always devising new ways to kill each other or to wrest aid by threatening nuclear war.
I envision a world better than the one I live in.
a better world