Jan 31, 2006 09:48
Let's be happy, okay?
This entry is going to skip around an unbelievable amount. Stream of consciousness. More like a bouncing ball in Tasha's mind.
The gym makes me happy.
I was told that I was a good friend by a professor.
I just want my friends to be back the way they were.
Please let me sleep.
Freud was right about regressing. I recently bought a big box of Kix in response to insane stress.
I need to be uber happy for a night. Wanna volunteer?
I'm coming home this weekend. There will be a nice low bed and a fair amount of movies. Don't expect me to be out past 2.
I'm good at balancing my priorities but not my life.
Favorite class? Philo. It makes me think and I have a good friend in it.
I recently realized that I have an addictive personality. I can channel this like psychic people can channel their visions.
Ashley's coming this summer. Joy joy joy. Ashley's pretty much my hero.
Brand New's leaked songs made my month. Gorgeous. Genius. Love.