sooo bored...

Aug 08, 2005 23:22

Hey i stole this from someone.

g e n e r a l
1. Name: Emma
2. Single or taken: taken
3. Sex: female
4. Bday: May 5, 1989
5. Sign: Taurus
6. Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 brother
7. Hair Color: blonde
8. Eye Color: blue
9. Shoe Size: 6
10. Height: 5'5

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. Who are your best friends?: uhm Katie, J,Jess, Brit,Kels, Jer, Max, Nick
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. Where is your favorite place to shop: uhh i don't know lots of places...anywhere that has the best probably ae or pac sun

2. Any tattoos or piercings: ears, but me meg and molly are going to get tattoos

s p e c i f i c s
1. Do you do drugs?: No

2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Thermaslik

3. What are you most scared of?: losing family or friends

4. What are you listening to right now?: the tv

5. Who is the last person that called you? Uhm probably katie

6. Where do you want to get married?: on the beach

7. How many buddies are online right now? 22

8. What would you change about yourself? i don't know kind of a lot..

f a v o r i t e s
1. Color:blue..but the ocean color blue

2. Food: Riverside Pizza

3. Boy's names: Ben,Jaime,William,Nicholas...and not just b'c its my b/f's i think its a cute name

4. Girl's names: Lillian, Madison, Rory, Meg

5. Subjects in school: art,

6. Animals: Dogs..i love dogs

7. Sports: Basketball, hockey, soccer,lacrosse...i wanna play that so bad
h a v e | y o u | e v e r

1. Given anyone a bath?: Nope
2. Smoked?: negative..
3. Bungee jumped?: no but i want to!
4. Made yourself throw up?: uhm no eww
5. Skinny dipped?: haha nope
6: Ever been in love?: ya i think so
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: lol no..good idea though
8. Pictured your crush naked?: haha question
9. Actually seen your crush naked?: lol next question
10. Cried when someone died: uhm yes definetly...if you'll see the past entry
11. Lied: not on purpose
12. Fallen for your best friend?: nope
13. Been rejected?: uh huh but he's my buddy now so its all
14. Rejected someone?: uhh i don't know i guess so
15. Used someone?: no thats horrible
16. Done something you regret?: nope

c u r r e n t
Clothes: Pj's..and my st. stephen sweatshirt from second
Make-up: none
Annoyance: meghan
Smell: febreeze
Favorite artist: my mom or meg of course
Favorite group/singer: Right now Blessed union of souls...but i like a lot of stuff
Desktop picture: Heath Ledger
Book you're reading: "Not like other girls" grandpa gave it to me
Game in console: frogger
CD in player: Blessed union of souls
DVD in player: Dirty dancing havanna nights from a week ago...i don't really watch a lot of movies
Color of toenails: red

l a s t | p e r s o n
You touched: meg i punched her lol
You IMed: Erik
You yelled at: Meg
You kissed: Nicholas

a r e | y o u
Understanding: yeah i think so
Open-minded: yeah
Interesting: i've been told im unique..i don't know wiether thats a insult or
Random: uhm when im trying to avoid answering something...yes
Hungry: nope suprisingly not
Smart: if i actually did my homework yes
Hard working: in some things...unfortunately school is not one of them..yea i gotta work at that this year
Organized: Yeah kinda
Shy: no not really
Difficult: lol yea sometimes
Attractive: ?
Bored easily: yea most defintely
Messy: my closet is really messy but besides that not really
Responsible: yea most of the time
Obsessed: with? no im not obsessed with anything
Angry: i can get angry...but i usually keep my mouth shut or vent to someone else
Sad: kinda..grandma just died so that kinda sucks
Happy: yea pretty much cept for ^
Trusting: yea at least i hope so
Talkative: yea if the other person is talking too

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
Kill: No one thats
Slap: MEGHAN KATHLEEN she opened her big mouth today..
Look like: I've been told me and my brother ian look a lot a like
Talk to offline: uhm everyone i talk to online basically..cept some people from st.stephens i miss those guys..
Talk to online: well everyone i talk to offline

r a n d o m
In the morning I am: looking for some coffee
All I need is: friends/family
Love is:something you shouldn't take for granted..b'c you never know when it will be gone
Dream about: lately it's been about my flashbacks from when i was little

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: whatever one is there
Flowers or Candy: flowers
Tall or Short: tall

o p p o s i t e | s e x
What do you notice first: smile and looks ...everyone notices shallow as it sounds..
First person you slow danced with: tyler or nick a during kindergarten when mrs bailey was teaching us all how to dance..haha
Worst question to ask: that scale of 1-10 shit...thats so annoying
Makes you laugh the most: who does? Probably my brother he's so funny, either him or the smith boys singing random songs
What makes you smile: Nicholas
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them?: Nicholas
Who do you have a crush on: Nicholas
Who has a crush on you: uh hopefully Nick..or else that would
Is easiest to talk to: Katie Jessica or Meg

gah i need a life..
*Emma Victoria
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