yay im home!

Jul 25, 2005 11:39

Ok so where did i leave off?..oh yes
Last entry i wasn't in the best of mood b'c i thought i wasn't gonna see nick before i left but it ended up all working out..max ended up skipping hockey practice and he hung out with me for a while so that was nice of him, and then the morning i was leaving me and nick went out to breakfast so that made me feel a little bit better about leaving then as soon as i got home my dad had all my stuff already in the car and we left for the airport. Then me and my mom said bye to my dad. Then we flew into tampa bay and took a shuttle to Trade Winds Island Grand on St.Pete beach...woa woa woaaa it was amazing. The resort was soo nice..it was a 4 star hotel..it had 7 pools, 3 hot tubs, a lagoon that went around the whole place and you could ride paddle boats all through it, and the beach was awesome everyday we would get cabannas and just lay out on the beach. The place was awesome. Everybody had fun..although me and Trac didn't see much of everybody we were basically by ourselves which was awesome we just did whatever we wanted to basically.
Alright here are some highlights of Emma and Tracys excellent adventure trade winds style..
* First day we got there...there was definetly some wierd guys..lol i was on the phone with nick and this random guy comes up and asks our age and starts talking and i tell them i'll be right back cuz im on the phone...tracy was freaked out that i left her alone with this guy...but i was right behind her...lol but i guess that coulda been a little creepy..saying that he was 18 and she's only 14 lol oh well.
Oh and this one guy going...ooo twins as we walked by...wtf? we don't look like twins at all the only similarity is the blonde hair and blue eyes...he musta been on drugs..yea we def gave him a evil glare. Oh and those really really creepy guys on the beach that told us to take it off...gah they were sick.
* That british kid running up to his mom saying "HOLY SHIT MUM!"..and then running away...lol we said that what about 400 times that day..lol HOLY SHIT TRACE
*Glow in the dark beach volley ball..yea you talked me into it...and yea i'll admit it was fun...haha. Team 1 was the bomb..me you brice neil and tons of little kids..oh yeah. Lol you got the hustle award. Hahaha and you so wanted Brice...when he had to pick someone to be on his team....Tracy: I'll be on your team brice...LOL and he picks that little girl..oh well he just picked her b'c she was amazing at volleyball brush it off..haha.
* The teen dance..oh god i didn't want to go to that..lol but once again i went. LOL we get down there and your about to open the door and the guy opens it from the other side and the door hits you..lol then you like dive out of the way..and tell me to get down..wow. He comes around the corner and tells you not to be embarrased...b'c he thought it was funny...lol he thought you were crying or something. So then we get up and i open the door this time and we look inside and there is absolutely no one dancing..there is like one guy alone dancing in his chair...we start cracking up and leave..lol.
* The elevator that kept making the farting noise when the door shut..and we would be cracking up and everyone just looks at us.
*The paddle boats...on our way down we were joking about how we would probably get lost since we both are not the brightest blondes in the world..and we actually do..well not really "lost" just we ended up going the wrong way..lol
* Our long strolls on the beach...lol
*watching tia and tamara...for old times sake, and our new favorite thats so raven haha...im definetly raven and your her bestfriend chelsea.., and im tia and your tamara..lol..yea we're cool
*Trying to jump over the waves in the ocean,...lol i couldn't see b'c all the salt water in my eye and you told me to jump at the wrong time and i end up getting sucked under. oh and the time when we both jumped at the same time and i pushed you while you were in the air and you went flying..lol
wow yea there were a lot of good times...let me know if i forgot any..

Alright so the end of the trip was sad but i was glad to be home..my dad met us at the airport and brought my mom flowers..aww how nice..then we went out to lunch then we came home and i called nicholas..and ended up going to the lake with him and jeremy that night, and leah and jacob ended up coming to so that was fun..lol leah was pretty funny.Her and jacob are so cute together i def think they should date. lol so anyways jacob and leah left and me nick and jer were there for a little while longer and nick made this amazing run through the course..with the finale of a crazy dismount..lol omg me and jeremy were in shock..Then we left and on our way back we dropped nick off at this one guys house and me and jer went back to their house so i could get my car and i stayed for a couple minutes then left and met meg at rams horn..
And yesterday i went to see willy wonka with nick and vinnie...thanks for paying for the tickets vinnie, the movie was awesome..the best scene had to be the squirell scene...had the best song/dance of them all lol. After the movie we went to starbucks then we dropped Vinnie off at his house said hi to his sister then left and went to nicks said hi to his fam..and yea..i got my keys thrown ..and then we couldn't find them for a couple minutes..lol but don't worry we found them and yea then i left..and today i was supposed to hang out with katie cuz she's HOME!!!! YESSSS! but i don't know if thats gonna happen b'c my mom and meg took the bug even though i specifically asked them to take the other car since they are going to the same place..and so i could go somewhere today...but no they left the car that i can't drive so this sucks..
Alright well that might have been the longest entry i have ever written .. so those of you that read the whole thing im done..so congrats on reading the whole entry i applaud you..lol
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