
Jun 04, 2009 10:36

As many of you may or may not know, I have been struggling with horrible mental swearing for the past months. Ever since I joined Livejournal, I have exposed myself to things that, well, have not been pure and holy. I finished reading Do Hard Things last evening, and my Hard Thing is going to be that I'm taking a (hopefully) four month hiatus from Livejournal. I will still keep my journals. My friends only one will only be used so that I can run the Little Dorrit Icontest, and also post icon updates on communities. (Thankfully, I can do that without having to actually go to those communities where I might see something that is not God Honouring). I will miss the friends I've made over LJ, but you all know where to contact me, through NarniaWeb, my personal blog, etc. And if you're a fellow NWebber, please don't hesitate to drop me a PM if you want! :) I'd love to keep that up with you.

And as such, my new icon blog is here:

Aslan's Call Icons

Thank you everyone for your support & comments, and if you'd like be sure to check out my new icon blog. :) Thank you & God bless!!


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