Jul 24, 2004 14:59
Summer school was amusing, as usual. Came to the conclusion that Ms. D [sub for Venger] has bigger arms than all the guys in our class put together. Natasha, Navid's sister, came to visit & spent the day at school with us. Gay sub in Pollard's.
Woke up at noon today. So tired. Want more sleep.
Ate, went online. Ate some more, watched the ending
to Titanic which I didn't finish yesterday.
Still online.
Amy's birthday is like..next week. Damn, still need
to work on her present. Can't wait 'til
Sherin's birthday. =]
My stomach hurts, & I'm bored.
I have to go my granpa's memorial thing tonight.
Amy & I have planned to go to Univeral tomorrow;
sorta doubt it, but I have faith.
The Surreal Life on VH1 is funny. Ron Jeremy's on it. ahah
I think Roxy has the stomach flu or something,
taking her to the vet on Tuesday.
&& I miss Lilah.