Rich Man, Poor Woman: If you're not watching this WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING THIS?? Best jdrama in ages, hands down.
Bridal Mask: I have to say this is losing some of its lustre because Kangto's development from misguided bastard to noble hero was the main draw for me. I also can't stand how much of the plot has become a tedious cat-and-mouse game between him and Shunji, who I have come to loathe with every cell of my being. But at least ep 17 had good development at the end and I still enjoy all the Kangto-Mokdan moments.
Lizzie Bennet Diaries: I've forgotten who it was on my flist who posted about this and introduced me to it, but THANK YOU. I absolutely adore it!! The casting is so perfect and I can't wait to see Darcy get introduced. For those who don't know, this is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice told through the personal vlogs of Lizzie Bennet, who has a youtube channel. It's super cute and well written and highly enjoyable for Austen fans.
Here's a link to the channel playlist so you can check it out for yourself :)