I can't be the only person who finds it hilarious how Japanese popstars dance. I mean everybody sneers at popstars and their dancing, but you have to admit that it is usually somewhat pleasing to the eye; albeit in a trendy, Britney, consumerism sort of way.
Jpop dancing is:
- bizarrely retro; like someone took all these skinny anorexic dudes with weirdly lopsided hair and put them in a time vacuum permanently set to 1982 (or Mexico),
- a million backup dancers to give the impression of l337 crowded dancing skillz, I suppose,
- flagrant pelvic gyrating that is usually followed by mad fangirl screaming,
- strange arm waving in the manner of seasoned YMCA performers,
- what seems to be a patented highfive! - skip - twirl - gyrate - grin routine in the manner of very happy jangly male exotic dancers at an outdated bachelorette party (I promise you, I saw this in a movie once),
- EXTREMELY mad outfits,
- very gay.
Here are some examples:
Interpretive Kimono DanceMatching Redcoats"Fever and Future"; a music video that is so hilarious it cannot be summed up with mere words.
Yet I kind of love it.