I rather liked it. Fast, gripping, exciting, and pretty scary at times. KUNG FU MONKS? WEREWOLVES? ACCENT/ROYAL FAMILY JOKES? GR8. I also found the Rose/Doctorishness easier to swallow this week, there was less simpering, more fun companion stuff. I still think it should be toned down a *wee* tad but that's probably just me, spoiled by Old School Who rigidity. ALAS.
In any case, I liked it more than I liked New Earth. It made more sense, and uh, there were no crazy cocktail panaceas. (Come on, RTD. Don't insult my intelligence and I won't make fun of your insane plotholes.)
It just occured to me now that maybe the Doctor knew who Jack was when he met him in The Empty Child - I think he knows what Torchwood is, actually. Those two missing years Jack mentioned? Maybe those are the years he spent with Torchwood! Which would explain why the Doctor didn't trust him right off the bat (aside from the obvious STEALING-MAH-WOMAN bit and the sketchy time agent thing).
Ayup. Next week's going to be killer. I want to cry whenever I see that icon floating around of Sarah Jane and Ten. Gah.