Jul 19, 2005 16:43
One word to describe my "family" vacation: disasterous!!!!!!! we ge there, and find out we cant check into our house that we were renting for 2 hours. luckily, we ran into my aunt's cousin, Margie, and she invited us to hang at her house! then, we pull in her driveway..and guess what... this asshole realtor lady backed up into our car without even looking!!lukily my dad cut the wheel to the left, and the Rent-a-car only had a scratch, or so we thought. when we went to drive it... the steering was all whacky, so we had to file a police report!!... then a couple days later we had to go pick up a different car. grr. then my cousin, katie, slit her foot on a broken can at the bay, and needed to get three stitches!- so she couldnt swim for the whole trip. And my 9 year old cousin(going on 10), charlotte, FLIPPED OUT b/c she saw a cloud in the F*ing sky.. and her mom wasnt there!! she has to carry this stupid bear everywhere with her, and she still sucks her thumb!! grow up kid!! she is going into 4th grade!!!! then a lot of the "ADULTS" got pissed at each other- it was a cliquey and gross... basically like high school drama crap. like:"OMG- she didn't come over to my house to say 'Hi'".. yea okay!! so it was pretty stressful!! but i hope the rest of the summer is better!!--one good thing about vacay was seeing my uncle & cuz's from Florida!! they r hilarious
Tomorrow starts the fair at St.Augustine school in Ossining!!! be there!!! haha.
today i went to work with my dad and made a postcard for his company (Century 21 village & country)...and yea went to a camera place to get some cameras fixed.....and my g'ma gave me a $50 gift card to blockbuster ((a belated B-Day present!)) woo-hoo thank God for grandmas!! haha. no i <3 her.. shez sa-weet