shamoogity is awesome she gave my resume to her boss because she thought I might like to work in her office. I get a call today around 2pm asking if I'd like to come in for an interview. I say yes. He asks when I'm available. I say I'm basically available anytime because I have no specific commitments these days. He asks if today at 5pm would be okay. I say yes. Then I panic because I don't even know where the office is and I've done no preparation for an interview with them and I haven't slept well in days because I've been sleeping on a couch until last night, when I woke up around 3am with cramps. I'd planned to not do anything today and see how I felt tomorrow. But it's too late for all that because I've said I'd go so I quickly change into my interview outfit, google the office, get confused because I'd gotten the address backwards, finally figure out where the place is, and try to figure out what the heck I'm going to say.
I was super early, but I decided to go in anyway because one is supposed to be punctual and I couldn't figure out how early is the right early. Luckily they had lots of magazines to distract me so I didn't let myself think about anything. I think the interview went well. I felt really dumb, but he sounded positive and the biggest concern seemed to be that I would be professional about getting things done. He actually said, "This is not an adult day care." I was wondering what kind of horrible people he's worked with in the past if he thinks people think that. But I remembered that he doesn't know me or he'd know I work hard and some people really are slackers so it's understandable that he'd be concerned. I haven't been offered the job, but like I said, it sounds really positive. Even if I don't get it, at least I have now managed an interview without throwing up or babbling or wanting to shoot myself. And my parents think that if I do get the job it sounds good so I've got their support.
On the downside, my phone seems to believe that I've talked more than 200 minutes since I bought it a week ago and cut me off while I was talking to my mom. I can't figure out how to make it show how much I've talked, but it sure wasn't 200 minutes. I'll have to go in tomorrow and figure out what's up with it because I'm pretty pissed I'm already having problems. It also didn't ring when a couple of people called me on Friday, so I'm going to have to complain about that too. I feel like I have a thousand little things to do and I hope they all work out. I just have this silly irrational fear that I'm going to get, like, arrested or deported or something for having picked the wrong phone plan or something equally dumb. Time to relax now and calmly line up all my duckies.