Of laptops, work, and knackerd-ness.

Jul 21, 2009 16:20

My family (my Mother), has decided to buy me a laptop for uni... This is very awesome :) I already knew that I was going to take the best computer in the house with me when I went, but the idea of a laptop.... Does it seem at all strange that I was trying to convince my parents not to buy me one? I was going to wait until christmas, once the first term was out of the way, to decide whether or not I really needed one.

On the other hand, circumstances have changed, seeing as my family will be moving to Barcelona at the same time that I plan on going to Brighton and Sussex uni. I've guilt tripped them into offering to pay for my flights out to see them (because I will no doubt be a very poor student and it's not my fault they've decided to move country, abandoning me...). The guilt trip has also meant that we might be hiring out a bouncy castle again (much like my epic 18th birthday party!) for one of our farewell events. I say 'events' like we live in some manor or something and we're inviting along half of the surrounding villages... alas this is not true.

It turns out my boss, who I know from being a paper girl for about five years, wants me to work in the shop every morning over the summer- with a day off at weekends. This makes me worried because it means I'm going to have to work at least one day at the weekend... which will involve sorting out the mountains and mountains of papers with their corresponding magazines :( The hours I'll be working are 6.30am to 8.00am- one and a half hours a day on minimum wage.

The hours don't particularly bother me. I've got this horrible problem at the moment where I just can't seem to lie in. I woke up at 5.00 today, feeling knackered but not being able to sleep any more. I've got the doctor's tomorrow, because whilst on holiday it seemed that this rubbish sleeping routine had caught up with me and I spent the first few days doing nothing but sleeping. It was quite peculiar... I was given an initial diagnosis of glandular fever, but I'm unsure as to how likely that is. Perhaps a pair of black out curtains will do the trick by stopping the morning light seeping through my thin curtains?

Regardless of how tiring these early wake-ups are, I think they'll fit in perfectly with the hours I'll be working :) I'm making do by collapsing in the middle of the afternoon and sleeping for a couple of hours then. I've got a few late nights planned this week... local comedy night on Thursday, going to my dads on Friday, Babysitting my 'boyfriend''s lovely little sister on Saturday... I suppose it's not that bad really. Just seems a tad daunting. I hate hate hate being stuck in my house with nothing to do but feel sorry for myself, but at the same time know that I'm not on best form when out with friends- I hope they don't think I'm letting them down or anything.

I'm debating as to whether I should put all this rubbish under a cut? *is lazy* nahhhh

Peace and loving :-p

barcelona, work, bsms, laptop, blog

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