Sep 16, 2008 01:30
Alrighty then. Updated time!! *sings the update song* So what has been going on in my life recently? Hmm let me see.... Got in touch with my bestest buddy Sinikal_Bastard agian after an extended AWOL on his part. Bad Sinikal! Go to my room! Hehehe. Made some really cool new friends in Lexington where Josh goes to school and I used to go. Pretty neat bunch of people. There is Paige, aka Minion, who is 15 and our pet project of corruption. Mary who is 19 and more innocent then Paige in the ways of the world. Jarret who is 19 and such a computer geek he make Bill Gates look cool. And then Ron, who is 25ish and a bigger freak/perv then I am and that's saying alot! I actually feel vanilla around this boy. That's about the extent of the good stuff right now....
On to the bad stuff....first off I lost my job which really sucked. I had no warning, I just got laid off one day due to budget cuts. I have been trying to find another job since then and luckily Ron has been letting Josh and I crash at his place in Lexington, where I'm more likely to get a job, so we can save on gas. Money is getting pretty tight right now and Josh, God bless his barbarian heart, has already offered to quit school and go back to White Castle till I can get a job agian. I figure I just need to get me a rich sugar daddy....any volunteers? Put your hand down Sinikal! =P lol Also my mom has been getting bitchier(sp?) by the day. I don't think she is handling the loss of my great-gran very well, even worse then I am. But they have been living together since I was about 2, so I can understand, just doesn't mean I like it. Just proves I was right about Mama Grace being a buffer between her and I, now we might have to actually figure out how to act like human beings to each other alone.
In all honesty the bad has been pretty bad this year, but finally it seems like maybe the good is catching up and I hope it stays that way for a little while. I'm finally starting to feel happy agian, like my old cynical self. There are still bouts I have to fight, but they aren't as many and they aren't as long and for once I have people close by to need me a shoulder, even if it is a cyber one. Maybe I'm just finally seeing what blessings I had along and finally being grateful for them. There have been moments in my life I wish I could freeze in time forever and right now this is one of them. I feel loved, I feel safe, I feel normal. I know the boogie man is outside the door waiting to pounce agian, but the way I feel right now I don't care. But if life does get to bad I'm moving to Canada damnit!! At least then I can play with the bagged milk...yeah that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. LOL. So until next time kids. Be good and if you are good don't get caught. Take a cookie on your way out. As a wise man once said...That's all folks!!