(no subject)

May 23, 2005 08:27

ok so well wo0o0ot how exciting a calisthenics comunity =) first a little about me..

Application ♥

+ Name: Felicity
+ Age: 15
+ Location: Canberra australia
+ Siblings: one younger rat of a brother who's 11 and a sister who's 17
+ If you have a job, what do you do? mum pays me money lol
+ Hobbies ((besides dance)): um.. can't think of any
+ Name 3 interesting facts about yourself that DO NOT pertain to dance: well i can pull my belly button out and twist it cause it's a half innie half outtie =\ nothing suss.. um, i am obsessed with matt *dreams* i am quite fucked in the head.
+ Favorite food? sushi
+ Favorite restaurant? chinese or maccas *cries* i know.. only in a binge though =)

Your calisthenics life:
+ Club: Joyelle
+ Who do you dance for: um.. myself??
+ Years dancing: 11
+ Are you a competitive dancer? If so, put years competing: 11
+ What are some achievements earned at your club and/or at competition [both individual and group acheivements] : yeah we have won ballarat before.. can't remember what div though happens a lot. um. many stuff you know.

+ If you could improve anything about yourself dance-wise, what would it be? to be better, i should be the best.
+ What is your favorite brand of dance gear? ((Capezio, Bloch, Leo, etc.))
bloch is quite cool.. although i am no too fussed

+ Female dancer: myself =o lol no um.. can't think of one.
+ Male dancer: -
+ Dance movie((s)): centre stage for sure!!
+ Dance genre: -
+ Competition:
+ Live dance performance:
+ Dance quote:
+ Best dance advice you’ve ever been given: dance like everyone's watching.. cause they are.
+ Do you have a favorite dance website? please share the link!

Either or:
+ Ballet or jazz? ballet
+ Calisthenics or gym? calo for sure
+ Hip-hop or modern? modern
+ The second before you perform, or the second the music stops? the second the music stops i think because you have just done so well and it is such a good feeling.. although before is good to.
+ Team work or solo? team
+ Right side or left side? [some people prefer to do things on a particular side] hmm.. i like both.. maybe if i am facing the stage, right side? i feel better when i am on the right dunno why

We're just curious! it's time to think!:
+ Do you think calisthenics is a sport?: yes
+ What do you say to someone who looks at dancing as easy [the “I could do that” attitude] ? lmao i tell them to get up and fucking show me! and if they can't i tell them to keep their fucking mouth shut :)
+ What do you tell yourself to get over that “I can’t do this” hump?
+ Why do you dance?:
+ What is your favorite part of calisthenics?:
+ What is your least favorite part of calisthenics?:
+ Brag a little. What are some of your strongest points?:
+ How did you start calisthenics?:
+ How did you hear about Calisthenics_?

yeah i couldn't be bothered filling all of them out cause i am about to fall alseep. just thought id say hi though *waves*

xoxox Felicity
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