Fibromyalgia - Day 1

May 19, 2009 19:19

I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome yesterday (but I'm pretty sure I've had it all my life [I'm 21]) because even when I was small I had pains but it was controlled because I had a very whole foods diet.  However, as I've gotten older, its been getting worse, and finally came to  a head in the last few weeks.

I’ve been in so much pain recently.  It started out (when I was small) with horrible stabbing throbbing pain in random parts of my body - mostly my chest.  Right now I’ve got one on my thigh and its killing me.  Thankfully - those horrible pains go away after about half an hour or 2 hours.  Any time between those times.

My back is aching right now, but I’ve got a heating pad on it right now.  I’m sitting right now - but one of my extreme trigger points is on my lower back, so when I sit - it hurts.  It kinda sucks ass.  But the heating pad really is helping.

Another thing that is bugging me is that I‘m now on 6 (technically 7) medications.  I hate taking medication…but you know what I hate more?  Pain.  Seriously - I’d rather take pills that help me than deal with all the freaking pain that I’m in.

Its random and incredibly painful.  My back is my biggest pain area - but the more I type the more my wrists and arms start to act up and throb.  Its like a hot needle being shoved through my body.

I get them everywhere, but I’ve had them since I was like 5, so I’ve kinda gotten used to riding it out.  Doesn’t make it less painful, but I’m accustomed to the pain more than the pain in my back.

When it first started getting worse - it was focused on my lower back on the right.  I thought it was my sciatic nerve for a long time - but it seems like it wasn’t.

Anyway - back to the meds.  I’m on Lyrica - which is specifically for the Fibromyalgia.  I’m also on tramadol for the pain, ibuprophen (400 mg 3 times a day I think.)  for the pain and inflammation caused by the Fibro, and treximet for the headaches associated.  I’m on Zantac for some stomach issues, and Flexeril, which is a muscle relaxant.   Oh - and I’m also taking Women’s vitamins as a supplement.  And I’m supposed to be drinking really really thick Metamucil.  Its pink Lemonade flavored though, so that’s a plus.

I go to the doctor next Tuesday for some labs (that means a needle…*shudder*)  They’re checking my Vitamin D, Vitamin A, probably a Thyroid test, and maybe some others.  I know there were at least 4, but I’m not sure what they were.  Then the week after that I’m going in for another doctors appointment the next Monday.

I don’t have any insurance, so after this 3 month period - I think I’m going to have to get an appointment at the Heath Right up in Morgantown, as they’re basically a free clinic.  I’m considering applying for Medicaid, but I’m not entirely sure I’d qualify, but its worth a shot.  As my meds cost almost $200 a month.  And that’s even with about 4 of them on the $4 list at Walmart.  The Lyrica alone is $157 for a months supply for a 2 times daily med schedule.

Anyway - I think I may do this every week or so - just an update as to whats going on.  I’m finally feeling a little more awake and coherent.  Luckily, as soon as I get home - I’m going to have to take my bedtime meds, so I can wake up for a 9am work schedule.  I’m basically gonna be working all day.  But I’ll deal.  Its just one of those things.

Anyway - I’m signing off.

With love,

day 1, fibro

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