Jul 09, 2010 20:36
Mike couldn't get enough time off right now, but the kids and I are coming down for a visit! On Monday the 12th, we're heading down to Portland for a couple of days. On Wednesday the 14th, we're driving down to Klamath, and we'll be there from the 14th through the 25th. On the 26th we'll be driving up to Eugene, and driving back home on the 28th.
We are leaving here on Monday morning, the 12th, and stopping in Portland to stay with Nan and crew for a bit. Hope to see my Portland peoples there, if possible!
In Klamath we'll be staying with my mom for about a week, then going over to Mike's parents house for the last weekend in town, the 23rd through the 25th. A few dates have been booked already for family visits, as that's the primary reason for the trip, but I'd also love to see my friends while we're there!
So far:
Friday the 16th - day with my Dad and Martha
Saturday the 17th - Grandma Marge's birthday party!
Wednesday the 21st - Dinner with my Dad and Martha
Friday the 23rd - Moving stuff over to Mike's parents' to stay the weekend
On Monday, the 26th, we'll be driving up to Eugene and staying with Grandie and Grandad there for a couple of days, and on Wednesday the 28th, we'll be driving home from there. That'll put us home for Mike's weekend, so we can unpack and unwind. :)
I would certainly like to see everyone that I can, and am thinking another gathering at the park (or maybe two) would be good, but I haven't planned this yet. So if you'd like to see us while we're down there, please let me know when would be good times/days for this, or to have me come see you, and we'll get it sorted! You can always send me a message on facebook, myspace, livejournal or email. I got the android phone now, so I'll get it wherever I am!
Hugs and Loves,