May 23, 2010 16:08
So, for a while I was doing pretty well, with getting some sewing done every day, even if it was a quick mending job. Since we've moved...and even before then, I have really not done much sewing at all. It's driving me nuts. So I've decided to start it up again, and jot down what I got done for the day in here, and put a special tag on it; stitch-witchery. This will hopefully help me in making progress, continuing progress, and also to quickly jot down project ideas which may or may not end up in my design book later. I need to start alternating, I think, between making things for myself and family, and making things to sell on Etsy. I have greater needs than ever to start making money for the family again, but am limited on the job front by the costs of child care. Making stuff to sell seems like a good solution, but I do need to get moving on it.
Friday night I did a couple of mending jobs, fixed a hole in the toe of Jasmine's tights, and hemmed a pair of Kyle's pants.
Last night I didn't get anything done because we went to the Bone Poet's concert. Totally worth it. :) Through going to see this band, and hanging out with the other people who do, I'm even more encouraged to start making items of a steampunk nature, in addition to the other crafts and goth wear.
Tonight I'm hoping to get the rest of Kyle's pants fixed/hemmed, 3 pairs and one pair I cut off into shorts. If Brigid and my energy are with me, maybe even get the flounces sewn onto Jasmine's pants.
I want to try to get all of the mending at least off of my sewing desk, even though there's still a big box of it to take care of, before I start in on the dress I have planned for Jasmine, and the shirt for Kyle.
Sewing this week may be somewhat limited, though. I want to get my house in a bit more order before my mom comes this weekend. And I need to get the rest of my sewing stuff unpacked anyway. I guess I may be best served by getting some mending done, and spending the rest of my time getting my supplies in order again. Until then, I need to go catch up on chores a bit.
So here I go, hopefully getting myself out of my own way. :)