Jul 06, 2006 14:11
Ok I am hardly ever on here anymore. lol. Alot has been going on lately, half my family back home is trying to move here so they ahve been in and out of town alot lately so I ahve been busy seeing them. I finished my summer school class today and I think I got an A. Hallelujah!!!! My July 4th was alot of fun just hung out with friends at the parade and to watch the fireworks. And then today some of my fam and I are taking a red eye flight to Boston to see my sister and the baby. We all rented a cabin in the middle of nowhere on a lake called Lake Winnipasaki so I will go crazy with no internet or tv for a week!!!!!!!!!
Oh and I met a guy on the internet and were talking about meeting soon so well see. He says he is going to be going to CSULB in the spring of next year.
So that is just some of the random stuff I have been up too lately and theres alot more but am too lazy to write it all now. lol. Hope all yall are doing good, (if anyone even reads this. lol).