1 week till Christmas

Dec 17, 2005 22:53

The baby Mason is doing good, him and my sister are already back home now and seem to be doing good. I cant wait to see them all next month. This weekend has been so chaotic and its barely half way over. Last night I went to a party and that was fun seeing alot of my old friends from school, church, and just all over that I have known over the years. Its amazing how old we all are now. lol. We were all joking saying we used to cheek pinch some of the younger ones who we thought we so small back then but are really only 2 years younger. lol. We all even played Taboo and it was fun, I was just hoping I wouldnt get one where I would have to describe how something smells or tastes because we all know I cant smell at all and cant taste that well, so that would have been interesting. Then today I worked and my boss was telling me how amazing it is how many customers I bring to the store between my old friends, parents of the kids at the elementary school, and my church and I never really thought about that. lol. After work I went to another Christmas party at BJs and it was fun and I got to have my meatball sandwich I have been wanting. lol. Now I am bored at home trying to wind down. lol. Though tomorrow will be the busiest this weekend cause Im working, going to church, going to balboa with my mom for our annual tradition, maybe a party, and then the block with a friend. Ok now I am rambling cause I am getting bored so I am gonna start go wrapping presents since I cant barely see my floor. lol.
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