Nov 12, 2006 06:01
So I went and everything was fine. Kept my eyes averted and my attention averted and I was fine. I had fun in fact.
At 4am I woke up to part of my temporary veneer cracking off (again). This time it was the bottom half of my front tooth. Definately not cool. And then and hour and a half later I still wasn't asleep again, so I gave up.
Stupid tooth. I'm getting the permanent veneers on tomorrow thank god, so hopefully this won't happen again, (::edit:: I was wrong and the vaneers don't come on until next week, so forget this next bit except for the stuff to purchase for a good cause!). But I had forgotten that tomorrow, (after musical auditions), I'm supposed to go to a Girl Scout Troop and talk to them about Hands Around the World and how they can help us help people in the village we're adopting in Zambia. (We're selling earrings for $10, T-shirts for $10, and cell phone charms for $6 or two for $10 if anyone's interested). I'm a bad person in that I tend to forget about my responsibilities. Not good at all. And then I stress over it. Argh!! And then I can't sleep? And then I let go.
But I still can't sleep? Images flash and I throw them away and I fight and I think of re-connecting with a friend I got too distant from than I should have (but that's what happena when you fall in love, you lose touch with everyone else because your foolish), and how it's so nice.
What can you do? Keep going.
Exactly where I am in life seems...I can't think of the word... sometimes I just feel like I should be ahead in space and time? But it's not good to rush things - "live in the moment." It's just almost that wierd feeling I have gotten for years where reality just doesn't seem real. But it doesn't feel so bad this time.
My mind feels fucked.