I just finished two reasonably long trips with my new EagleCreek suitcase.
I ended up
evaluating it for a comment made on an earlier entry in my journal. I think good luggage helps make a good trip - because bad luggage experiences can really ruin your mood.
Have to do laundry this weekend and call a bunch of people to play catch up after my two months from hell at work and then the vacation. Admittedly it was also an enjoyably crazy two months at work and my boss is really happy with me, but my vacation in Hawaii made me feel like I had just fallen out of a tornado and landed in paradise/Oz. Could feel my muscles unknotting and my mind becoming comfortably blank. I think I need to get back to swimming or at least floating...lying there on the water and staring at the ceiling/sky can be very calming. The hotsprings/ onsen at the end of my week in Tokyo started off the aqua-therapy, but Maui perfected it.
I am going to check the expiry date on my bath-salts. Also, the shi-atsu massage in Tokyo has made me a little greedy for more pampering. I've never considered myself a spa-type-person, but now I think I might be.