and so begins my week up north ^^;

Aug 13, 2006 01:38

lol a bit irritated, to say the least. of course, one can hardly be expected to be in the best of moods following a four-hour flight which for the sake of "avoiding a potentially dangerous storm system" became more or less five hours...

i cannot help but wonder at my luck, being scheduled to fly the day after those "suspected terrorist" arrests. bad luck, ill-fate, misfortune...whichever theory you prescribe to, i have never seen such genuine nonsense in an airport. as far as i know.

all that these new "safety measures" do is give would-be terrorists something to laugh at. if terror is the essential goal of terrorism, we have more than let them win. we are now not only demonstrating fear and paranoia at a national level, but allowing these emotional responses to severely inconvenience the american people in general.

i had to wait in line for the security checkpoint for half an hour this morning (i am beyond thankful for online check-in, because other people on my flight wound up waiting between and hour and an hour and a half between the ticket and security lines, and this was a half-full early-morning week-day flight)

...and i must say, the system could not have been more inefficient if it tried.

my bag had to be scanned and re-scanned three times, because while nobody could find even a container by manual search, these all-knowing scanning machines somehow convinced themselves that there was a container of liquid in my bag.

having somehow finally convinced four of the security folk who all somehow had become involved in the ordeal that there was no such container in my bag, i moved along and went to buy a drink at one of the shops. only to learn shortly thereafter that even drinks bought after the security checkpoint would have to be disposed of before the flight.

personally? i would LOVE to hear of the person who has found a way to reconstitute grapefruit juice to form an explosive device. or any other sort of lethal weapon for that matter. until someone can prove me wrong, i will continue to point out that wasting $2 worth of a $4 bottle of grapefruit juice is not going to save anybody's life--only make for some genuinely irritated passengers.

i was especially amused at bush's response to the arrests of the accused terrorists...
'oh, i understand that many travelers will have to be inconvenienced, but somehow it will all be worth it >.>;'
....certainly, it must be nice to fly air force one. if inconveniencing the american people is necessary to prove some point, i think it a genuine shame that our own president can't share in the fun.

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