After the storm...

Mar 22, 2007 16:06

Well, the exam is done, my future is sealed. Now I have to prepare the second term, hopefully from TODAY and there is no better way to do that than to miss the evening class. Yay!

Re: exam. It wasn't as terribly awful as I had expected but that might be because I, for the first time in my life, decided to take a bottle of Coca-cola instead of water in order to get an energy rush (my friends in the evening class said they didn't have time so I remembered that doping is not banned in the Uni). I've always heard that some people got "drunk" from Coca-Cola and I must say that I felt positively dizzy. That might have been because I was so depressed for the exam and I was so sure I would fail it I went pretty relaxed. You know, there is no excitement if there is nothing to lose. Anyway, I think I'm going to repeat that system in some other exams, at least in the ones I have no hope for. If I'm not going to pass it, at least I'll be happy.

Now I'm going to check the Gettysburg Address and Washington's Farewell Address (help! the Wikipedia has kidnaped me!)


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