What about those boys? - notes from a lecture by Dan Hodgins
Boy Statistics:
-last yeart 34% of preschool children were expelled and 87% of them were boys
-81% of elementary age children "kicked out" of school last year were boys
-boys are 6 times more likely to be 'misdiagnosed' with ADD or ADHD
-boys are 4 times more likely to be labeled needing special education
-boys are 7 time more likely to be labeled with reading or language delays
-boys are more likely not to complete high school
-boys are 9 times more likely to be labeled with a behavioral problem
-boys are more likely to commit suicide
Developmental/Structural Differences:
-in most cases girls brains matur earlier (boys can be 12-18 months behind)
-girls acquire their complex verbal skills as much as 1 year earlier
-the corpus collosum in females is up to 20% larger
-girls take in more sensory data
-boys have a thicker skull
Functional Differences:
-the resting female brain is more active than the activated male brain
-male brains turn on, like a machine, to do a task, then goes into a pause state
-the male brain is overwhelmed by stimulation more quickly
-boys respond better to loud voices
-six times more girls sing in tune
-males are better then females in seeing with bright lights
Language Differences:
-communication among boys is 55% facial expression, 38% voice tone, and 7% voice alone
-on the average females produce more words than males (girls by age 5 have 5-7,000 words and boys have 3-5,000)
-girls use words as they learn them
-boys work silently
-boys work out codes among themselves
-boys relate language with action
Use of Space:
-boys tend to need more space when they learn
-girls usually stay within a confined space
-boys build tall and wide structures with blocks
-boys move more objects in space
-preschoool boys can have up to 5 spikes an hour
-school age boys can have up to 7 spikes an hour
-adolescent boys can have up to 10 spikes an hour
-engage in more motor activity during a spike
Feelings and Emotion:
-boys process and release feelings in quick bursts of energy
-males are wired to have delayed reactions to problems
-boys project emotions to outside space
-male feelings are expressed more physically
-males can go into a "cave" state for protection
-boys do not talk about their feelings
Bonding and Attachement:
-bonding and attachment must occur before the age of 5
-roughhousing is essential for bonding
-hugging, handshaking, back slapping, punching, and pinching are modes of bonding
-gun play, sword fighting, and kicking games are not violent initiators
-bossy kids are healthy kids
-98% of information we receive leaves within 5 minutes unless it is real; hooked to an emotion and relevent
-movable objects are necessary