We Love You, Charlie Freeman, Kaitlyn Greenidge
For the rest of her life, Callie would search for something as sweet as frozen orange juice held underneath her tongue, in the chilled, mildewy air of a refrigerator at three o'clock on a school day afternoon.
Born a Crime, Trevor Noah
I wanted to jump up and point at the TV and say, "Are you people blind?! That's me! Can you not see that that's me?!" But of course I didn't. And they couldn't. These people had been so fucked by their own construct of race that they could not see that the white person they were looking for was sitting right in front of them.
Sweet Potatoes, Scott Hocker
I cook like a bald eagle builds a nest, collecting and accumulating bits that attract my attention.
Broccoli, Tyler Kord
When I used to dream about making any contribution to the food world, it never involved a riff on anything from Taco Bell, but here we are.
So Sad Today, Melissa Broder
What happens to the space that two people occupied together? How can it just disappear? Why can't it just become something else?
News of the World, Paulette Jiles
There is a repeat mechanism in the human mind that operates independently of will. The memory brought with it the vacuity of loss, irremediable loss, and so he told himself he would not indulge himself in memory but it could not be helped.
The Throwback Special, Chris Bachelder
Disappointment was the freight of expectation. Unbeknownst to the men, this was what they came here for, every year. They were enjoying their morning, but they did not realize it. The good moments, it is true, were always this way, interstitial and unacknowledged.
The Nix, Nathan Hill
Every life has a moment like this, a trauma that breaks you into brand-new pieces. This was hers.
Ms. Marvel, Volume 5: Super Famous, G. Willow Wilson & Takeshi Miyazawa
BRUNO: Jeez. That giant weaponized frog really seems to be giving her trouble.
High Dive, Jonathan Lee
Dawson in his more lyrical moods liked to say the world was full of people who in their daily lives looked without seeing, felt without feeling; people who wanted to be carried away by a wave of false logic more soothing than what they knew.
"Burn you Fenian cunts. More or less plain, Ma? More or less blunt?"
"I saw it on the kitchen table."
"I've read and understood the thing."
"I thought it could've done with a comma."