well ashley, I sure do have some random thoughts for you. I had a wonderful time at our dads house watching laguna beach with our sunglasses on so we could pretend we were in laguna, it was a good time. I wonder what it would be like to live in laguna beach. Erin said he likes LC the best so do I we think you remind us of her. shes rad. I really liked when you talked to Richard on the phone, i was waitng for that phone call all of my life too! YESSSSS!! Our room is so clean rite now, but i'm really tired cause i talked to your friend till 6 am E2 is pretty gnarly. G_N_A_R_L_Y yes the G is silent..I know a hard concept for you to grasp but its no ga-narly. You should dye your hair a different color that way when people say your dumb you can be all like well atleast I'm not blonde!! I cant wait to take pictues of me and make them into giant lifesize posters for my boyyyy!you look like a []D [] []V[] []D (pimp) in my newsboy cap. I want to go to goodwill and see if i can find any radical deals on peoples old stuff. I'm excited for leason II of LB it comes on tonight! SAWWWEEEETTTT!! Well util we me again...I'm out
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