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Jan 28, 2010 13:03

Kanaya: Return to the core (Feferi & Sollux)
oh GOD, iit'2 hiim.
ff can you tell hiim two go away, ii don't even have the energy for thii2.
hey finless this doesnt concern those wwith mustard sludge slippin through their vveins
its a matter for royalty only
so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open ovver my next meal
w/e bro, not iintere2ted.
-Eridan, please! I don't want to see any more dueling.
Don't try to provoke )(im. It's not like I don't know w)(at you're doing! You keep trying to spark a rivalry wit)( )(im to get me to auspisticize between you two, and pull us out of our quadrant!
It is t)(e oldest and lamest trick in t)(e book. It didn't work t)(en and it won't work now!
thats an astonishin accusation howw could you say that
first as if this scum is evven wworthy of a rivvalry wwith me and second as if im not totally DONE wwith you like i havve TOLD you REPEATEDLY
all i wwant to do is havve a wword wwith you
Ok -Eridan, we can talk. But only if you're planning on being civil.
thats wwhat you nevver got fef
you and i are bein civvil by vvery vvirtue a the fact that wwere talkin noww
wwere royalty you and i and wwe belong together
evven if not in THAT WWAY wwhich i get that youre not into and thats fine
but wwe belong together as the rulin class if nothin else
so im gonna ask you this one last time and givve you the choice
im about to go please come wwith me
Go wit)( you?? -Eridan, you weren't really serious about going to find Jack, were you?
of course i wwas
and wwe should do it together
youvve got nothin to fear noww ivve reached a new heights of powwer no one else can dream of not evven mindfang wwith her garish orange swweatsuid and her silly flappy wwings and all her poppycock about luck wwhich evveryone wwith a think pan knowws to be the fakest fiction that evver failed to exist
thii2 ii2 the mo2t hiilariiou2 thiing ii've ever heard, he made one of hii2 2hiitty fake wand2 glow a liittle and now he thiink2 he'2 a faiiry god troll or 2omethiing, lmao!
wwas that slander just i heard i cant evven tell
i tend to block out noise from filth wwhose blood is practically the complementary fuckin color a mine
)(e )(as a point t)(oug)(, in t)(at you may be overestimating your abilities?
Jack Noir is INSAN-ELY powerful -Eridan! Please, I don't want to see you do anyt)(ing foolis)( by trying to fig)(t )(im.
fight him
are you fuckin nuts
i slaughtered enough angels to knoww my limits and wwhere i stand against the lord of all angels they prophecized
of course im not gonna fight him i stand no chance in hell against that guy
im goin to join him
YOU'R-E W)(AT???
and youre gonna join me in joinin him too fef come on lets go
AHAHAHAHA, ok, that'2 iit, he'2 lo2t iit.
NO I AM NOT! And you aren't eit)(er! T)(at is GLUBBING INSAN-E!
I t)(oug)(t you were supposed to be t)(e Prince of )(ope? )(ow is it )(opeful to surrender to a murderous demon like a COWARD???
as the prince of hope im uniquely qualified to recognize wwhen all hope is lost
and im tellin you there is no hope not evven a little bit
only thing left to do is servve him and hope he spares us
and im extendin the invvitation to come wwith me cause evven though you dont think so i really do care about you
servvin under jack together wwell be unstoppable and our anemones wwill tremble before us wwhat do you say
NO. You )(ave lost ALL RIG)(t to use fis)( puns FOR-EV-ER. I revoke your fis)( punning license, as w)(ale as our fronds)(ip!
dont take that tuna vvoice wwith me princess
T)(at's it. T)(is makes me sad, -Eridan, but now we )(ave to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading )(im to us.
so thats howw it is is it
2he'2 riight, man. can't beliieve thii2, ii wa2 lookiing forward two a nap two.
ii 2hould have kiilled you on lobaf when ii had the chance.
oh well, gue22 iit'2 only fiittiing ii'd take you down iin ROUND TWO.
you ready, priince?
bring it mage
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