Mar 01, 2006 14:17
So apparantly some large-scale pro-life demonstration is taking place on campus tomorrow. This group is supposedly notorious for using graphic images to compare abortions to lynchings, the Holocaust, Rwandian massacres, ect. Obviously these people are nuts to a Westboroian degree and I have no problem with there being an accompanying protest to the demonstration. My beef lies with the fact that the protest seems to be largely, if not primarily, the brainchild of the university's pride organization instead of a focused feminist/pro-choice group. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Pride is intended as an organization for the betterment of gay and lesbian relations with society at large. So why are they focusing all this energy and effort on an issue that isn't really a gay issue in the first place? The chances of accidently getting pregnant seem pretty damn low in same-sex relationships, so where's the unwanted fetus to choose to abort? The sole exception I can think of for instances of unwanted pregnancy in lesbians (since lets face it, abortion isn't really a personal issue when you have a penis) would be in rape cases. Sure they're significant, but remember that this is a small fraction of an already small minority. Unfortunately, democracy means that generally the majority rules, or at the very least can present some form of influencial voice. The small numbers of gay/lesbian instances where abortion could be seen as a viable issue seems to simply be too small for it to be a valid gay rights issue. Even if you don't buy into that, there are some better things Pride could be dedicating itself towards. You know, like all the gays and lesbians out there who don't associate themselves with Pride who get the recieving end of homophobic bullshit purely because of the negative stereotypes Pride insists on maintaining, supporting, and projecting out onto society at large. But hey, getting beaten up for being gay can take a back seat so that we can trench ourselves even further into the stalemate of this abortion debate. Pride seriously needs to get its priorities in check.