Feb 26, 2014 15:55

I was all psyched to get my tax return $ because it meant I could get my Hawaiian food goodies ( portugese sausage, chocolate dipped shortbread cookies and shoyu)...I didn't think the shipping would be so damn much! The sausage was $5 each and the shipping is $36, BigIslandCandies doesn't sell just original shortbread dipped chocolate cookies online anymore, just mac nut ones and the shoyu would be $80 for 4 4 gallon jugs..hmm, maybe this is cosmic hehe and this way I can now get Sketchers shoes for work and hiking shoes for SS/hiking for like $30-$40 total ( w/Target as my guide)...yeah, last summer kind of did in my current work shoes since I used them for everything...

Speaking of my tax return, after I put aside $ for bills/trip cash/spending, I'm going to have an extra $100 so I'm thinking of applying half of it towards my bike and the rest can be actual savings. I kinda forget tha I'm still getting my paychecks hehe. I'm thinking of going to Kegel's soon just to get an estimate of current bikes, maybe try some out and maybe get an assessment of what bikes might still be around by the time I buy one. I essentially wasn't going to mention any more bike stuff until I got my bike but reading The Bike To Work Guide inspired me to do so hehe. I'm going to bike on the sidewalk to work since from my house to work since a) there's a consistent sidewalk and b) I don't feel safe riding in the street even if there was a shoulder or bike lane( we've all seen cars change lanes and cause accidents, easy to do w/bike lane/shoulder too). I want separated bike lanes or protected ones before I will ride on anything other than the sidewalk/bike path....

I found out there's a bike event here called Tour de North End, it's set for July 12th of this year and it sounds really fun ( you get a passport and ride around to 10 or so businesses collecting passport stamps and arrive back at the starting point for a raffle drawing for a big prize, usually a bike, hope they give detailed maps since I'm only familar w/Cliffbreakers hehe:)...500-600 riders is the usual amount expected and this will be the 4th year doing it. I'm happy that IDOT( Illinois Department of Transportation) is holding it's 3rd Annual Bike Summit like next month or in April and I hope there's some good news for Rockford and other cities besides Normal, Elgin, Urbana-Champaign and Chicago and I hope the Illinois Bike Transportation Plan features my city and is available in a brochure/print form....

Work has been eventful yet again for another week hehe. Yesterday, I worked from 8 AM-7 PM doing the RPD Fall/Summer 2014 schedule book, I got mine early this way since that's where they print the Stewardship Sat. (SS) schedule, which btw starts in April) and today, instead of working from 8-12, I got in an extra hour then went and had the special at DBG. Both days had some 'clean up' issues hehe but we were able to turn it around.

EDIT:3/1/14 12:30 PM: No IceHogs games this weekend unil the 8th, 22nd and 30th since there's quite a bit of away games this month.... Might as well have updates on certain things already talked about here still be included w/ this entry. I chose the right time to get into biking. Not only is there Tour de North End, maybe help getting protected bike lanes/volunteer w/ the bike path extensions but there are Critical Mass rides here in summer since last year ( once a month on Fridays, I won't be going since that's a long day at work to then hop on a bike for 4 hrs. but maybe if they moved it to say the following Sat.- Sunday from like 1-5, I would so be there)....I couldn't find hiking boots today at Walmart, but I did get some Pyrex bowls for leftovers to be taken as lunch and did get new work shoes for under $35. $20 a year isn't bad fo 'everything' shoes..I'm working on getting leftover ice off certain sections of our walkway and driveway by pouring hot water on them and so far it's working, as I watch Taken 2 and eat leftover pizza/candybar:)...

food, biking, good news re:$, work stuff

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