Wow and to think my Mom was happy when she saw her Housing Eval came back and she got her rent down to $251 last wake up to this....and to think he's also stopping the BirdFlu cases from being known Nationally, he's trying to dismantle the CDC, the Dept of Education, those Inspector Generals, he cut cancer research/trials, in just his first damn week ..just saw that the EPA is being affected by this, Clean Water/Clean Air now too and Meals on Wheels says this hinders them..
Hmm, I called HMSA yesterday, told them my issue, they called some clinic on Kilauea, left a message but I haven't heard anything yet...
Hmm, my Mom guys were kinda taken back by some of the duties I have to do at the was mentioning if ppl are naked in the locker room area since at our gym, that isn't allowed but there's no sign up or anything...
I haven't mentioned the naked ppl to my Manager since nothing is being done about the ones who were previously naked and I mentioned it to the FrontDesk ppl who are supposed to pass the message on to my Manager but the person in question was naked again just this past Sunday and then another new person was naked as she weighed herself and then walked to her locker..really sucks that we don't have meetings at work but then are expected to bring up certain things vs them coming to us and asking..we still need rugs in the showers,they get standing water and smell and I've asked 4x already. I stopped but now they act like the issue has gone away.