(no subject)

Jan 15, 2005 22:49

PS: AHH!! FINALS!! I COMPLETELY SCREWED UP MY SPANISH WRITTING FINAL!! Is hablaiste even a word? It is now! lol!

--Name: BJ/B-Tay/Bee Jee/BB/Daquri/Ten
--Birthdate: 6/5/89
--Birthplace: PA
--Eye color: Blue, Green, Gray depends on my mood and season
--Hair color: Blonde with white highlights in the summer and brown highlights in the winter (naturally)

--Righty or Lefty: Righty to write and lefty for gymnastics/tumbling
--Zodiac Sign: GEMINI!! Im a twin!! hee hee

--Innie or Outtie: Innie

--The Shoes You Wore Today: really old ones...really beat up too...maybe i should get new ones....NAH!! Im too lazy loL!
--Your Weakness: lets not go there...
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: Graduating at the age of 17 (If we graduate like we probably will..i will have JUST turned 18) and to make a difference in the world

--Your first thoughts waking up: Plz let it be saturday or recently.."where am I"
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes. i think thats the one feature that can NOT be ugly
--Your bedtime: between 8:45 and 2am

--Pepsi or Coke: how about water? I use coke to clean the drains!! It works better than drain-o!
--Single or Group Dates: I dont know....no preference i guess. Ill answer that q when i get a b/f (NOT ANYTIME SOON!!! NO b/f's!)
--Chocolate or Vanilla: depends...
--cappucino or coffee: Coffee in the morning and cappy any other time! yumm..french vanilla!
--Boxers or Briefs: ........

--Do you smoke?: nopers
--Cuss?: ME!? Cuss?! NEVER!!!!! (in english at least lmao! "You know shes pissed if shes speaking in english! LMao sara!)

--doyou think you've been in love?: id rather leave that topic ALONE!! No me gusta
--Want to go to college: SOOO EXCITED!!! lol!! but i can wait..
--Like High School?: 1/2 n 1/2. LIKE THE CREAMER!! hee hee...its has its highs. literally! lol!

--want to get married?: if i meet the right person. itd be cool to marry my high school sweet heart (if i ever get one...)
--Type with fingers on the right keys: If i want to... Lillay and I didnt sit through Hedrickson chanting her stupid a;a a,a aja aaa blah jkj ksk blah blah blah for nothing you know! It still is haunts me LILLZ!! ahh!! save the chicken! lmao!
--Think you're attractive: Ive been told im hot if thats what you mean...but ive also been told i have a huge ass...which i do...
--Think you're a health freak: food: sometimes cleaning: OCD MAN!!
--Get along with parents: most of the time... im a teenager what do you expect? lol!
--Like Thunderstorms: YES!!! i go outside and just sit and watch...i love it...

in the past month, did/have you:

--Consumed Alchohol: no (I havent had THAT much Maurtini! lmao)
--Have Sex: no (umm...Maurtini...lmao)
--Go To the Mall: yes as a matter of fact! With Erica earlier today! lmao Erica...mean holister ppl
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: cant say that i have..mind as well have...ive eaten jsut as many calories!
--Eaten Sushi: nope
--Gone Skating: nope
--Made Homemade cookies: i made brownies today and almost burned them!! YAY!! lol! at least i didnt light the counter on fire...again..
--Been in Love: no
--Gone Skinny Dipping: maaaybeee....

--Dyed your hair: sadly..no

--Stolen Anything: ::shifty eyes:: nooo..YOU CANT PROVE ANYTHING!!!!

--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: if you have to ask...youll never know...
--Been intoxicated: ::grins innocently:: Maurtini...tell NO ONE! lmao!
--Been caught "doing something"?: oh yes b/c u all know me! yes.. ur right! i got caught washing clothes again! IM SORRY!! lmao
--Been Called a "Tease": hee hee...maybe not that..but i got called something! oooh! lol!
--Shoplifted?: wouldnt that be considered stealing??

--Age you hope to be married?: 24-ish

--Numbers and Names of Children?: 3 Girls: Atsumi, Chasity, Aiden, Michelle, Maddison, Alexis, Mikayla, Kiri, Anastasia...Guys: Sasha, Kio, Kyle, Alex, Brett, Andrew, Seth...Yes i like a lot of names...I could probably think of more if i tried.
--How do you want to die?: with honor or in my sleep
--Where do you want to go to college: New York City or California. I want to study in Japan though. I will!! I swear it! Im going to teach there and hopefully around the world.
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: Someone who makes a difference
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