May 20, 2009 12:41
It's touchy, but I'd have to say no.
Driving is a huge responsibilty, one that you can't take lightly. You need to be mature and responsible enough to understand that cars are NOT TOYS. We're talking about 1- or 2-ton vehicles here, which can KILL people if not controlled correctly.
I got my license at 16, by a unfortunate set of circumstances. My mom was at the end of chemotherapy treatment, and she was on the downward slide which eventually led to her death. My driving to meetings for band-related stuff and appointments was a necessity, and my dad couldn't take me at that point.
But I rarely drove alone after my mom passed away. In fact, I hardly drove after that.
My dad was always riding with me when I drove, and he didn't stop until I turned 18, when I was mature enough and much more responsible to handle it on my own. At that point, I got my own set of keys, but not before. He's said numerous times before that he feels that driving alone at 16 isn't right, and I have to agree.
Waiting until I was 18 to fully release me was the best decision, IMHO. Except for the one speeding ticket (which was appealed and overturned because the new speed limit sign wasn't posted in full driving view), the last two years have been event-free.
I think 18, if you're mature and responsible, is a good age. If not, then you might want to bump it up. AND, I think going through Driver's Education is the absolute best thing you can do. It might be boring, but it'll make you a better driver. Trust me.
teen standup act,
writer's block,
driving at 16