Jan 21, 2006 00:55

** I am only keeping this post public because there is a link to it from my myspace... the other couple public entries (other than the public post below this one stating that my lj is 'friends only') have been made 'friends only' as well.**

I have been really meaning to make a post. In fact, I almost wrote down a list of everything I need to post about. Which I will get to, if not tonight, then tomorrow. There really is a lot. But for now, I will update on the most important thing. I went in for my first 3d/4d ultrasound in San Diego today. I am just about 24 weeks pregnant and I will go in for the more in depth ultrasound at around 32 weeks. The pictures will be a lot better and you'll be able to see the baby's features better. These pictures didn't turn out that great. Some turned out okay, but none really that spectacular. They will be though at the next one! I am so glad I did it though. Not only did I get to find out the baby's sex for sure, but I got to see more detailed pictures of the cutie! Keep in mind, they aren't that detailed. But more so than a regular 2d ultrasound.

First, she did the 2d ultrasound to determine the sex. It seemed like everyone in the room could tell what it was before I could. A few of you that I told when I first found out already know, haha.

NO!!!! To my big surprise, I am having a little girl!!!! I am so frigging excited, dude!! You don't understand!!! I wanted a girl soooo bad. But I was convinced I was having a boy!!! Not only from the last ultrasound (at 17 weeks when the umbilical cord was waving around like a large penis), but I have just had a general feeling the entire time that it was a boy. Especially because I wanted a girl so bad. And everyone that I talk to guesses I am having a boy. For several reasons. That I am carrying low.... that you can't tell from behind.... that I didn't get morning sickness.... that it all goes out and I didn't gain anywhere else yet. Goes to show you how much old wive's tales really mean!! Haha! Anyway, here are the 2D pictures of the girl's crotch. For those of you who don't know, when it is a boy, you can see a ball sac near the butt with a little penis sticking out and when it's a girl you see 3 lines. There are definitely 3 lines here. When they were all looking the ultrasound tech didn't want to outright say it was a girl because she had her foot in front of it... but Gilbert and Rachel were both saying "It's a girl, it's a girl, definitely, no balls or anything!" Then once she moved her foot, the ultrasound tech said "yep, now I can say that it's definitely a girl. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't tucking the balls away." Haha. I asked her how sure she was and she said basically 100%, but she has to say 99%. So yeah... I am having a little girl!!!

In this picture you can see her legs and feet, crossed at the ankles

Here are her legs crossed again.

Here is half of her body. You can see her arm/shoulder and face/head.

In this picture, she looks like she is yawning. She wasn't though. She kept opening and closing her mouth for about a minute... tasting the amniotic fluid. I had just drank some apple juice to try and get her going since she was sleeping most of the time.

Most of the time she had her arm in front of her face and it was hard to get good pictures. She had some of her face covered in this one with that arm. You can see her arm and head and body.

You can see most of her body in this one. You can see a lot of the skeleton. Her head, body, legs, arms.

Here's another body one, with her arm in front of her face.

And here are the pictures I like the most. They are her face profile shots and they are the best detail of what her face looks like so far. I really can't wait until the next 3d/4d ultrasound so I can see very clearly what she will look like. I just find it so awesome and beautiful. :D

During the ultrasound (which I have on dvd and video), you could see a clear picture of her lips (which they didn't get a still of) and they all 3 said "Oh look! She has full lips!" Haha. And sometimes they would say she looked like me. I am so incredibly happy right now. I am still in shock. I don't know what to think. I mean, of course I would have been very happy with a boy... but... oh gosh. I don't know. I am just so elated right now. ♥
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