Feb 27, 2004 19:11
I am a very observant person i would say. And if you asked most of my friends, they would say the same. But what i have observed is the way people act. There behavior. Well, i feel like commenting on one of those behaviors that i have seen. People, that are new or lets see...Immature in relationships. People think that if you have a b/f or g/f that everything is suppose to be just peachy. They think that if you find someone you love that everything is suppose to be just great. (Now remember i'm commenting on things i have seen. I know not all people act like this). At the first sign of trouble withing a relationship, instead of trying to work things out, they give up or get scared and break up. They don't try to work things out. Relationships are not meant to be perfect. No relationships will be perfect. Ever. They might come close at times, but you will still have problems and complications withing your relationships. No matter if you love each other or not. B/f, g/f, best friend, friend, or enemy. There are going to be hard times. This doesn't mean just give up. I mean you have to work them out in order for anything to ever get better. You have to talk about the way you feel. Let each other know how you feel. Express yourself, and do it clearly. Don't hold back how you feel. Even if you think it would hurt the other person. You have to let them know how you feel or things may never get better and you will just go on living lie's. Let each other know how you feel. And don't wait until its to late. Even though it is better late then never. Well, i'm going to go watch a movie... "Second Hand Lyons"