May 03, 2011 03:06
- 00:07:03: RT @JimGaffigan: Just a heads up. Bin Laden jokes will be annoying in exactly one minute.
- 00:19:20: RT @DrSamuelJohnson: President OBAMA, tho' a masterful Orator, was remiss not to hail the Bravery of Messrs Jack BAUER & Bad Attitude BA ...
- 00:27:52: RT @Rusty5329: Remember Obama telling us he has better stuff to do than deal with birther crap? Yeah, this is that stuff. #p2 #tcot #bir ...
- 09:07:00: RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Bin Laden’s death unlikely to inspire new generation of jihadists
- 09:16:56: RT @michaelianblack: "Women's volleyball popularity growing." Top story this morning on
- 09:19:14: @ amhistorymuseum I've read he was enough of a jerk to call "accidentally" into question.
- 09:32:24: @ AmandaMarcotte But if a white terrorist were assassinated no one would be celebrating #actuallysawthisargument
- 10:35:58: RT @AmandaMarcotte: Options other than scolding people for being happy: harnessing that joy into an argument for bringing the war to an end.
- 10:36:41: @ AmandaMarcotte Because Obama is ONE OF THEM! #didntactuallyseethisone
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