Title: Finding Love 1/1
Summary: Oliver's given a second chance at finding love, now he just needs to hold onto it.
Rating: PG
Notes: This is loosely based off of Lois' dreams from her trip to the future and the upcoming episode Pandora. But it isn't really spoilerish.
Finding Love 1/1 )
In all seriousness, that was such a brillant idea and you executed it so well. Ever since I read the spoilers for Pandora, I've been mulling over all the possibilities an AU, future verse might present and you utterly captured that potential.
The first section made my poor heart HURT! When she says, '“I thought it was the desk"' and then explains herself, I just about died. That whole chunk of dialogue, with her realizing she's dying, was bang-on Chloe. Her mind would work that way and she'd say those things. It was such a subtle way for you to write it, but it seriously spoke volumes. And when she tells him, '“I don’t want you to be alone"'... Gawd! It wrecked me!
I also love how you cut to Lois, revealing that it's her dream and letting her be the one to bring it to Ollie. Again, everything about this was so on point. The way she finally just spits it out and how she warns him not to miss this chance... It was pitch perfect Lois.
Finally, the last section was also - surprise, surprise!- so perfect. You always do such a great job of writing "edgy" Ollie and this was no exception. His total discomfort over Lois' revelation completely came through and the way he alternates between confusion and anger is so true to his character. Again with subtleties, I love how he keeps touching Chloe - much to her confusion - as if he's trying to assure himself that she's still there. I also adore how you ended it; not Ollie proclaiming himself in love with Chloe, but rather, him quietly realizing that, yes, that's where he's going to end up.
Okay, I think I've officially gushed like a maniac, but I had to... by now, it's fairly obvious that I am just in love with this piece. Thanks so, SO much for sharing it.
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