Title: The Fall 2/? Fandom: Smallville Rating: NC-17 Summary: Sometimes even a hero needs to be rescued. Notes: Another chapter. Hope everyone likes it. Let me know. Reviews ar always appreciated.
I'm gonna enjoy this fic, loving the build up to the big meet, I hope Ollie's in there and Chloe really gives to him for being an ass! I love your fics because their so like the show, only better! You have fanfic fav with the chlollie fans on k-site.
Trust me, Oliver is going to get a lot of his ass handed to him from Chloe through this fic. She wants to help him but isn't going to be putting up with his crap.
Oliver seems to be getting himself into all kinds of trouble. Chloe needs to give him a piece of her mind. So I take it Clark is gone right? This was an awesome chapter. Hope to see more soon.
I'm sure Clark well show up at some point later in the story. He's kind of onthe outs with both Chloe and Oliver. I meant to broach that subject in the last chapter as to why he wasn't there helping but I forgot. I'll try too clear that up in the next one.
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