So I was surfing around on the net a couple nights ago, totally bored. I ended up on MySpace, which I rarely visit, mostly to turn down the friendship of yet another set of people I've never met. I decided to make a quick check of some of my other friends pages, and ended up on the page for the band Submersed. At first I was excited to see they had some new songs up and a new album in development...then I noticed that their userpic did not appear to feature my beloved guitarist, Eric. I did some quick research and managed to find out that he was basically fired from the band. WTF?! Actually, I can probably guess what happened. The new band that he's in is called Daughters of Mara, whose name is based on the Buddhist devil. Also, their sound is very very heavy. I like. So that's good. But most of the members of Submersed were all "Jesus this and God that", which I chose to ignore for the most part, but you can probably see where a conflict may have arisen if Eric was not of a like mind in that respect. But I'm just guessing. I thought about email his mom for answers, but not sure it's kosher (yes, I have her email, she's the one who got me backstage for Alter Bridge in LA). I hope I can catch Daughters of Mara in concert. They're based out of LA.
Link here: Now, the thing that sort of bothers me is that it seems like anytime I get really into a band, something bad happens to them.
Loved Creed. Creed broke up.
Fell in love with Cinder. Cinder gets dropped by label. Favorite member leaves band.
Fell in love with Submersed. Kicks out favorite member.
Damn, what am I? Fangirl poison? So not fair. And of course this means I have to fangirl Daughters of Mara now, and I totally don't have any more space on my shrine wall...