Guys & Their Lies...

Oct 17, 2005 04:08

What is wrong with the male gender. Actually, I think it's the entire human race. But for the purpose of this rant let's focus on guys.

Lesson 1: Infidelity

Let's start with the facts:

59 percent of men said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared with 53 percent of women; those were the findings of a team of German researchers from the Hamburg-based GEWIS Institute for Social Research.

According to Peggy Vaughan, author of "The Monogamy Myth," first published in 1989 by Newmarket Press. Conservative infedelity statistics estimate that “60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an extramarital affair".Note: The preceding adultry statistics of the prevalence of affairs were made more than a decade ago; so based on changes in society during the intervening years, the current percentage of the population who have had affairs is probably somewhat HIGHER

My guess is it's only getting worse. I've always known that most guys carry a somewhat disrespectful view of women. Today it just kinda hit me though. I was listening in on a conversation a couple of my co-workers were having today when it happened. I will refer to them as the "mexican" and the "samoan" so as not to point fingers. The mexican guy was talking about this great strip clup down in Mexico that he's a regular at and hands the somoan guy a pass to get in without paying a cover charge. I have nothing against strip clubs other than they are a waste of money if you have can get a lapdance for free at home, so I kept listening. The mexican guy is telling the somoan how beautiful and young these girls are when I hear him mention that it costs extra if you want to fuck them. That caught me by surprise so I laughed at them and they acted all innocent and asked me if I wanted to go. So I'm like "Hell No!" and the mexican is like "Oh well you don't know what you're missing". I'm thinking to myself these guys obviously can't get any for free so I pity them. As they talk about how clean the girls are I'm wondering if either of them have significant others. SO I ask them and they are both married.... so I say "What the fuck!" and they just laugh. Alright, so two guys pay for sex behind their wives backs... so what? Well the fact of the matter is that I've had similar conversations with EVERY GUY who works with me. Out of about 10 guys (who are for the most part, married), there is only one who is faithful to his girl. It's no fucking wonder people can't trust eachother anymore. One of the only issues I have with Liziel is that she doesn't truly trust me. Why? My guess would be because her ex cheated on her. I am proud to say that I have never cheated on anyone and never will. But how can you pick out the good seeds from the bad ones? You can't really. The guys who are going to cheat will say the same things that a faithful guy would say. So who gets the shit end of that stick? The good guys do.
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