I think it's pretty clear that with your arsenal, you're not going to be able to read this book, and what I'm about to say doesn't mean I think you should rethink your stance and read it. I doubt you'll be able to put your own knowledge aside to appreciate the book for what it is, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I did want to clarify some things:
One thing you ought to take into account is when this book was written. The first edition came out in April 2001, and based on how the publishing industry works, the book was probably a finished at LEAST a year before that, more likely TWO years before that. So the research used for the science in this novel probably dates around 1998 or so. I glanced at the first couple of websites you offered and the only date I saw was 2007, so I can't say whether or not these particular experiences were available when Willis wrote this book. If 2007 is anything to go by, then obviously not, and in that regard, there's no reason to criticize the book for being "out of date".
I should add here that I have no interest in reading up on NDE's nor am I interested in researching them (though I appreciate your enthusiasm to educate me, such as it is). I read this book because I really like the author and her characterization, and in the latter, she does not fail in this book. Reading up on the "facts" on NDE would only serve to ruin what I got out of this book, which has nothing to do with FACT (because it is science fiction) but rather the message and ideas (abstractly speaking) it portrays.
You asked for spoilers in another post, and before I could respond, you'd already deleted it, so I'll be more specific part 2 of this comment.
One thing you ought to take into account is when this book was written. The first edition came out in April 2001, and based on how the publishing industry works, the book was probably a finished at LEAST a year before that, more likely TWO years before that. So the research used for the science in this novel probably dates around 1998 or so. I glanced at the first couple of websites you offered and the only date I saw was 2007, so I can't say whether or not these particular experiences were available when Willis wrote this book. If 2007 is anything to go by, then obviously not, and in that regard, there's no reason to criticize the book for being "out of date".
I should add here that I have no interest in reading up on NDE's nor am I interested in researching them (though I appreciate your enthusiasm to educate me, such as it is). I read this book because I really like the author and her characterization, and in the latter, she does not fail in this book. Reading up on the "facts" on NDE would only serve to ruin what I got out of this book, which has nothing to do with FACT (because it is science fiction) but rather the message and ideas (abstractly speaking) it portrays.
You asked for spoilers in another post, and before I could respond, you'd already deleted it, so I'll be more specific part 2 of this comment.
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