Commenting Update

Oct 21, 2014 22:41

I closed this blog back in May 2013, but occasionally, I'll get a comment from someone's who's found a review of a book they've read and/or are interested in, and they want to discuss it with me. The trouble is, said commenter pretty much always fails to notice the date of the review, or if they do notice the date, they seem to think I have a perfect memory and can engage with them as if I read the book yesterday.

Alas, that is not the case. This book blog started the tail end of 2005, and I've reviewed hundreds of books during my time here. I don't even remember every book I've read, let alone why I may have said something in a review.

So, rather than have to comment occasionally to remind such commenters that sadly, I do not remember and am no good for conversation, and oh, btw, the blog is closed, I've simply closed comments. It's been over a year, and if people REALLY need to get in touch, Live Journal messaging is still available, for now, and there's an email address available for you to use via my profile, if you're a registered LJ user.

I don't plan on deleting this blog. At least, not at this time. That could come in the future, though I'm loath to do so without somehow saving these entries for posterity's sake, because there were many, many hours put into the creation of this thing, and I'd hate to see that go away with the click of a button.

But comments.... it's time to close them down too. For those of you still lurking, hoping for something new, I thank you, and I promise if I ever get back on the reviewing train, you'll be the first to know.

In the meantime, enjoy the silence. :)

blog: miscellaneous

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