November Round-Up

Dec 02, 2012 00:00

Here are the reviews posted during November. Please note, this is not a comprehensive list of books I read in November, but rather the books I had the time to review before month's end.

1) Philippa Ballantine, Spectyr: It's a Gamble
2) Elizabeth Bear, Range of Ghosts: Good Read
3) M.M. Buckner, The Gravity Pilot: Good Read
4) Jane Rogers, The Testament of Jessie Lamb: Excellent
5) Ilona Andrews, Bayou Moon: It's a Gamble
6) Sharon Lynn Fisher, Ghost Planet: Worth Reading, with Reservations
7) Troy Denning, Star Wars: Dark Nest I: The Joiner King: Worth Reading, with Reservations
8) N.K. Jemisin, The Killing Moon: Good Read
9) J. Michael Straczynski, Superman: Earth One: Volume Two: Good Read

Total Number of Books Reviewed: 8 books and 1 graphic novel.

Total Number of Books Read: 9 books and 2 graphic novels.

Slow and steady wins the race, I suppose. I've fallen into a kind of relaxed groove in terms of reading. At least, that's how it feels to me. I'm taking my time and not getting too bent out of shape if I can't finish something the instant I start it, so reigning in impatience is a good thing. But don't give me too much credit…. the book I'm reading now is really making its length known. ;)

Favorite: Based on ratings alone, Jane Rogers' The Testament of Jessie Lamb, but N.K. Jemisin's The Killing Moon kicked ass too.

Most surprisingly enjoyable: Sharon Lynn Fisher's Ghost Planet. I was leery of the science fiction romance, and while the romance could've made me a lot happier in certain aspects, the science fictional story itself was fascinating and full of all kinds of promise. Fisher is an author I'll keep an eye on in the future.

Biggest disappointment: Ilona Andrews' Bayou Moon. I enjoyed On the Edge so much that I'm having trouble believing that most of this book just didn't click with me until the end. But since others have expressed similar problems, it's good to know I'm not alone. :)

Mount TBR Stats: Mount Vancouver is accomplished with 25 books, so now it's on to Mt. Kilimanjaro and 50 books! Where am I on this noble quest? At this moment, 48 books (which includes 1 DNF). I'm so close!!!!!

Reading Goals: Still rotating between Mount TBR books and 2012 purchases. Thankfully, the latter is manageable. And I'm starting to insert my Star Wars books into the rotation. They're part of Mount TBR, of course, and as of right now, every other Mount TBR selection will be a Star Wars. That, of course, may change, but why not strike while the iron is hot and read them when I really want to read them?

Anyway, what were YOUR favorite reads from November? Which books did you love most? Which books, if any, were huge disappointments? Got a review list? Lay it all on me! :)2012's resolution is to RECEIVE no more than 72 books a year, which means if I want to keep a monthly status, no more than 6 books a month! November's the first month since January that I maxed out at 6, but a few of these were impulse purchases. :) I'm still happily within my annual goal. This brings up my total for the year to 53, with it breaking down like this:

January: 6 books
February: 4 books
March: 4 books
April: 2 books
May: 5 books
June: 4 books
July: 4 books
August: 5 books
September: 9 books
October: 4 books
November: 6 books

I'm still well within my resolution, so that's a good thing.

1) Ghost Planet by Sharon Lynn Fisher (Kindle); REVIEW HERE
2) The Inexplicables by Cherie Priest (Amazon) **
3) Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor (Amazon)
4) City of Bones by Martha Wells (Kindle) *
5) When Will You Rise: Stories to End the World by Mira Grant (Subterranean Press); REVIEW HERE for "The Box" and HERE for "Countdown"
6) Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots by Seanan McGuire (ISFiC Press)

** = already read, review forthcoming
* = reading now

So, this month provided me with two impulse purchases: Fisher's because I was dying of curiosity, and the cover was so pretty, and Wells, because Amazon had it at a great price and the book was on my wish list anyway. I guess the McGuire was a impulse purchase too. The author has been talking about this story for ages on her blog, but it never caught my interest until McGuire provided the pre-order link. So I figured, what the hell? I like all of her work, and this looks like a fun, fast read.

Priest and Taylor were pre-orders. So was the Grant: I already had the digital copies of the short stories this book collects (and I've already reviewed them, as you can tell), but I really wanted the signed, hardback collection. ALSO!!!! This book features some wonderful art, so if you're a collector, I highly recommend getting this copy if you can swing it.

What's on the plate for December? Christmas gifts, I hope. And lots of Star Wars books… I'm so behind! :)

That's my November. How'd you all do?

blog: book bag, blog: monthly round up

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