Hugos: Catch "Remedial Chaos Theory" Tonight!

Jun 08, 2012 12:54

Normally, I wouldn't campaign for anything for the Hugos. I'll tell you what I like and what I don't, but I won't beg you to give something a shot.

There are, however, exceptions. The exception here is for "Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form." Bear in mind, I've only seen one of the five nominees, and I will try to watch the four I haven't seen, but currently, my uninformed opinion is that not only am I tired of seeing Doctor Who dominate the nominations, but I'm also tired of seeing it win every year. Maybe it deserves it. Maybe not. I'll make that decision later.

But like the rest of you, I can't make a decision without watching the episode, right? And my current favorite for the award, for a show that's near and dear to my heart because it is SO wacky and geeky, is Community's "Remedial Chaos Theory." And tonight, Friday June 8th, NBC is airing it at 8:30 EST.

Watch it. Please, even if you aren't a Hugo voter or a regular viewer of Community, watch it. It's one of the smartest episodes I've ever seen, as well one of the most entertaining ways of looking multiple realities. And the premise is simple: when the study group comes over to a apartment-warming party for Troy and Abed (bromance FTW!), somebody has to go pick up the pizza when it arrives. Nobody wants to, so it's decided that they'll roll the die (literally) and whomever's number comes up has to go get the pizza. Chaos ensues from there, until we see what happens when a different number comes up. And it happens over, and over, and over, showing how things change (and stay the same) when a different person has to pick up the pizza. It shows us the best possible realities as well as the worst. It's also, in its own way, a fantastic character study. It helps if you already know the characters before the episode, but it's not necessary, because by time the episode is over, you'll know them intimately.

It is, in a word, awesome.

So please, especially if you're a Hugo voter but even if you aren't, watch this episode. And then come back and tell me what you think!

form: television, blog: award discussion

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