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denelian May 30 2012, 06:23:16 UTC
i keep finding other things to do. you wouldn't *believe* the things i've accomplished to avoid reading this book.

i want to like Cherryh, i do. i like the "Hell" series [i don't even know - it's NOT sci-fi, can something that takes place solely in Hell be considered "urban fantasy"?] but her sci-fi...
i say this [or rather, don't say, imply through the proper use of ellipsis] as a person whose first love is sci-fi. i just don't like her sci-fi. i adore Heinlein. hell, i adore Burroughs! but Cherryh just, i don't know, grates. i'm going to keep slouging away, though - once the dishes are finished [that's three hours, right there, for me to do the dishes, and it's Pete's turn. so, um, yeah] maybe i'll re-grout the bathroom or something.

also, it gave me a migraine. and i'll read two chapters, go to an appointment, or to sleep, come back to the book - and not remember a damned thing i'd already read. i can remember books i read when i was seven [The Rolling Stones, a Heinlein Juvenile, for instance] but i can't remember anything in ( ... )


calico_reaction May 30 2012, 22:45:24 UTC
This is definitely a horribly difficult book to read in small bites, and yet the nature of the book pretty much forces the reader to take frequent breaks. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time getting through it, and that it's giving you migraines! Shame on it!

Didn't you tell me once you'd read this before though?


denelian May 31 2012, 05:24:06 UTC
i thought i did!

but - *none* of the plot [is it really plot?] or characters are familiar, though the set-up is. so... my current assumption is that i read another book in this series, and meds confused me on the names. ??? because i would have read it at least a decade ago, so i'd remember the plot [that really does make sense. i swear!]


calico_reaction May 31 2012, 21:23:14 UTC
I know for a fact that some characters show up in other novels, so it makes a lot of sense if you read something else. For example, Signy Mallory is in Merchanter's Luck.


denelian June 1 2012, 03:38:08 UTC
and it sounds familiar... so yeah.

sigh. i'm actually addicted to books, so *something's* wrong when i can't read it. lol


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