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:-) burgandyice March 1 2012, 18:44:33 UTC
Well... I'm loving this book!! I can't believe I'm not finished with my review up already, but I ran into one of those headaches that stop all sorts of planned progress. Today is my first pain-free moment and I'm skipping around getting mountains of cleaning and errands done that have been gaping at me this week.

I'm only 6 chptrs in, but I'm loving it. Just as you say, the world-building is so organic, I love how two opposites of food are playing against each other and the narrator keeps catching me off guard so that I snort out loud. Too fun.

I'll link back when I get my review up.


Re: :-) calico_reaction March 2 2012, 03:25:05 UTC
Ugh, I hate those type of headaches! No fun at all!

Be sure to check back in once you're finished with the book!


Re: :-) burgandyice March 5 2012, 20:20:37 UTC
Phew!! :-) I hate headaches... they catch me off guard and back me up something awful.

I loved this book, though!!!!! Wow! I wrote up my review and linked back to yours... and wondered about that Trickster.

I agree with the comment about not feeling connected with the characters, but I thought the familiarity of the narrator more than made up for it.

Her website is discussing Caribbean Speculative Literature - which really makes me think how this book is very exotic culturally, but it really isn't obvious WHERE. At all. Which makes this discussion even more interesting.



Re: :-) calico_reaction March 5 2012, 23:19:54 UTC
So glad you enjoyed this, and thanks for the shout-out in your blog!


Re: :-) burgandyice March 5 2012, 20:21:35 UTC
Re: :-) calico_reaction March 5 2012, 22:59:10 UTC
Thanks! I'll add your review to mine and also check it out!


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