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temporaryworlds January 3 2012, 01:35:10 UTC
"...that a children's book that's utterly enchanting and has roots in the books mentioned above, was inspired by a book that's utterly adult, a story where its characters access a different kind of fairyland, one accessible like a sexually transmitted disease"

This completely blows my mind actually. Most people don't write a sex-fueled fantasy novel and then turn around and say "this inspires me to write a children's story." I really admire the breadth of her work. Not to mention the fact that even though each of her projects are quite different, they still have elements that mark them as a Valente novel, such as her talent with the English language and her great female characters as you mentioned.


calico_reaction January 3 2012, 03:38:27 UTC
I could be wrong about the genesis of this novel, mind you. Maybe she always planned to write it and used its title as a kind of pre-Easter Egg in Palimpsest, but I thought it was the other way around, that she wrote The Girl Who... because so many people had commented on what she had written about it in Palimpsest.


juushika January 3 2012, 13:41:15 UTC
Yeah, Palimpsest came first and she never intended to write Fairyland. The book's origin story is here, and well worth reading, because the inscription is spot on—Fairyland is a ship of our own making.


calico_reaction January 3 2012, 17:37:09 UTC
Thanks for that link! I'll have to take a look later. :)


calico_reaction January 4 2012, 01:01:57 UTC
juushika was kind enough to provide the link that talks about the genesis of this novel!

How Palimpsest inspired The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland


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